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How to prevent joint pain a healthy lifestyle can help prevent joint pain

Blockages, stiffness, difficulty getting up or bending down ... Can not ignore the pain caused by your cartilages 'creak'! Certainly one of the most common health problems to the point of being sometimes trivialized, joint pain can become chronic as you get older. It's time to take action to better prevent, helping your joints grow stronger today.

If they have multiple causes, between the shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees, feet, or even the spine, joint pain also affects many parts of the body and sometimes several at the same time. Of course the elderly are weakened by aging, but no one is immune, even the youngest. So much to change some habits now for a lasting benefit over time.

Whether joint pain is of mechanical origin (osteoarthritis) or due to one or accidents of everyday life (sports practice, performing daily activities ...), we can try to strengthen the joints and prevent 'relapses' by following the following tips.

Maintain weight

It is important to reduce any excess weight to relieve the joints, especially those of the hips and knees.

Opting for a diet rich in antioxidants helps prevent the effects of aging. At the same time, it is recommended to vary the sources of calcium to consume less dairy products and to reduce meat and cold cuts, to avoid alcohol and to drink a lot of water.

Thus as a food base, we will still adopt vegetables, especially cruciferous (cabbage, black radish, turnip, horseradish, rutabaga ...). But also, garlic, onion, fresh or powdered spices (turmeric and ginger in mind) but also seaweed at will and all the sauces!

He is also advised to stop smoking: tobacco causing oxidative stress that results in a gradual destruction of the joints.

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