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Preparation and selection of henne

In this article I will give you my tricks to prepare, pose, rinse and master a henne, there is nothing compulsory, the essential being to always have fun!

How much powder?

I advise you for an application on wet hair to count 1 gram of henna for 1cm of hair. To measure your hair, place the tape measure at the implant of the hair at the forehead, pass the ribbon over the head and let it hang behind.

With or without lemon?

To be honest, I spent a year and a half making dumps without lemon. That did not prevent me from developing the color I have today. So I think the lemon may have helped a little bit the first time I put it (15 days ago) but I do not find that blatant. So I advise you to put your lemon after letting your henna rest a few hours in the salad bowl or after having frozen it. Indeed, another blogger showed that the lemon prevented the henna pigments from releasing. On the other hand, added at the last minute before application, it would help to fix these same pigments. But if you do not put a lemon, it will not greatly change the color, in my opinion. In the same way you can use cider vinegar. This one would be even more effective!

The henne PH:

I have never tested the PH of my henne, and I have never paid any attention to the type of PH needed for each powder that I added, yet the color is there. The henne must remain a pleasure, so do not take the lead. It is useless, however, to add an incalculable number of powders, the effects of which might cancel each other out!
Why not make 2 applications, one with indigo and the next with hibiscus?
It seems that the indigo is incompatible with acids, I also found that the hibiscus mixed with the madder gave a brown color (to the water), unfortunately I could not test all possible mixtures then made your own tests to see, on a tissue or on a strand of hair from your brush.

What to add in his henne for the care?
One or more vegetable oils to feed, not in too much quantity, I think for 60 gr of powder, 1 tablespoon is enough!
Aloe vera gel to moisturize your hair!
A yogurt preferably perfumed, in this way it seems that it smells a little less grass cut and in addition it helps the application and it moisturizes!
Honey it seems that it's great in a henne.
Essential oils * to stimulate the growth, beautify the hair take for example, the ylang-ylang, the nard jatamansi, the bay st thomas ...
Of course, there is nothing compulsory. I prefer to add only glycerine, I find that is what my hair prefer. You will have to test to find what suits you! Then add in one or all, there is only your own mix that will suit you!

How to mix his henne?

Place the powder in a bowl and pour the hot water into it, mix with a whisk, preferably made of silicone (I use a metal whip without any worries). If your preparation makes lumps, I advise you to place it in the freezer for about 1 hour then thaw it. In this way, you should no longer have lumps. Finally, add the active ingredients and other dyeing powders.

How to defrost her henne?

Two possibilities are available: either defrosting in the open air, admittedly a bit long, or in a warm water, which will accelerate the process.

Freezing is absolutely not obligatory, you can also leave it to rest for a few hours in the open air or to prepare it at the last minute (advised for the coppery reflections)

Application on wet or dry hair?

The benefits of posing on wet hair are numerous:
amount of powder divided by 2,
application easier,
it does not flow more,
the hair is less heavy during laying,
the color pick is not changed,
as there is less powder, rinsing is easier.
You can also apply to dry hair, I have extensively tested both and I have not really noticed difference on color!

Easy application 

I advise you to pour your final preparation in an old pot of shampoo with a funnel, this one will serve you as an applicator!

Once the application is finished, you can either pack your beautiful green sauerkraut in cellophane or under a shower cap with the indispensable pieces of sopalin all around your packaging to avoid runs, or else you can leave it in the air free.

What color with which powders?

Know first that the more your hair will be clearer the more the henne will give a color flash

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