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We live in a society where every month a new scandal breaks out. One day the diapers for baby, the next day the nail polish, the day after the tampons, then the lip sticks .... I inform you that this will not stop for two simple reasons:
each product of the traditional trade contains one or more products harmful to health or to the environment.
each product sold in the traditional trade has for objective only: business, profits of the mark, to respond to a fashion effect at the fastest and least expensive.

Your health, the long-term effect on the skin and health they do not care about.

But it is possible to get out of this infernal circle and consume at the healthiest (perfection does not exist) without breaking the bank. To do this you just have to step back and stop for a second to consume intelligent and thoughtful. Trusted brands exist.
I will now give you 4 simple tricks to set up to no longer make you have.
Follow the guide.

1-Do not buy cosmetics in hypermarket

Each brand in the supermarket has for its sole objective: sales and profit. Each cosmetic product of large surface area has the objective of immediate result, but the long-term consequences ... that does not exist in their specifications. You buy attractive packaging, and innovative products potentially harmful in some cases. You've all heard talk about nanoparticles ... beautiful advanced .... bad prognosis .... this is just one example among many others.

You do not know which product is better than the other, I tell you: "ALL COSMETIC PRODUCTS PRESENT IN LARGE SURFACES ARE DOUBOUS, INEFFECTIVE, even the" bio "who cheerfully practice greenwashing.

Buy your food in the supermarket, even if there again capitalism to the reason of ethics, but do not buy your cosmetics.

Where to buy? In organic stores, we all have one nearby! On the Internet but be careful because here too we can find ourselves with the same brands as those of mass retail.

2- Do not buy a cosmetic whose sales argument is 0%

They lie to you and they hide the truth from you. To remove the toluenes from the nail varnishes, cry out loud and clear that you no longer fear anything, while the latter are always in the already highly dubious composition of the chemical colorings... That is their favorite sport. Remove the parabens, make a sales pitch while these are replaced by the one that had been banned twenty years earlier because it was worse than the parabens: methylisothiazolinone, they play with your health.

My explanation is as complicated as the composition of the offending products. Most people do not understand anything about this gibberish written in scientific language which, it is believed, is meant to protect you: the composition inci.

3-Learn to return the product to read the composition

The vast majority of consumers buy their cosmetics for their packaging before. Thus, the brands work on the color, add the photo or the drawing of a plant, find two or three effects sought by the buyer (wrinkles, moisturizer, soft skin ...) and insist in large characters on absence of recently pointed components of the finger. Conversely, they can signal the presence of an unknown asset of the general public put to the name blingbling little evocative that will give the illusion of a revolutionary product that ... will revolutionize their previous ... revolutions. Coluche already spoke with his famous: "wash more white than white".

Thus, to consume reflected it is absolutely essential to RETURN the product. But here again, be careful, because you will also find at the top a pretty story that refers to the television advert that shows you a woman with shining hair who shower under a coconut tree with a creamy milk on a paradise island and deserted , just at the edge of a blue sea ... blablabla ...

Learn to read the composition and so you will really know what this product is made of and what it really serves!
Flee mineral oïl and other misery hide products.

To learn the basis of the reading of the composition inci I urge you to read my article on this subject: know how to read the INCI composition

4- Do not trust anyone anymore, not even known organic brands

In my experience, there are trusted brands. I will mention a few, but here again, each one sets his own limits in his search for natural, ethical and ecological, and I know that my choices will not necessarily be yours.
The last tip I can give you and always be wary and always

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