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How to find rest postures and relieve small pains of pregnancy?

Tightness in the lower belly, pelvic heaviness ... ligament pains are part of the small inconveniences of pregnancy. Nothing serious, it is the sign that baby settles.
The ligament pains, annoying in everyday life for the pregnant woman, belong to two main phenomena.

From the first trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to feel pain in the lower abdomen and in the legs. In question ? A stretch of the uterine ligaments related to the increase in volume of the uterus.

The influence of hormones, especially in late pregnancy

Ligament pain may also be due to the osteo-musculo-articular syndrome of pregnancy (Lacomme syndrome). Relaxin, one of the most secreted hormones during pregnancy, promotes relaxation of connective tissue, ligaments and tendons, allowing the diaphragm to expand and the fetus to develop.

Relaxin also facilitates vaginal delivery. It reaches a maximum rate in the third quarter, causing a change and instability of the basin's static. This can cause, from the sixth month of pregnancy (rarely in the second trimester), painful manifestations in the pubic area and sometimes ribs.

Tugging generally not serious

These pains are particularly evident at the end of the day. The pregnant woman then feels difficulty and pain when walking or changing position. She has a very low baby impression, a painful pubic pressure. These pains disappear in the vast majority of cases after childbirth.

Despite the pain caused by ligamentous tugging, do not panic! There is usually nothing serious.

In early pregnancy, ligament pains can be confused with contractions of spontaneous miscarriage (but this is often accompanied by blood loss) or with an ectopic pregnancy (characterized by more intense pain). However, it is advisable to consult. A medical examination, an ultrasound and blood tests will make a difference.

What to face the pain?

Analgesics should be used with care during pregnancy and only on prescription.

Rest can be a temporary solution in cases of severe pain, if your pain occurs when you make efforts or you stay too long standing. In this case, lie down while it calms down.

How to prevent ligament pains?

At night, sleep on the side. Sit in a rifle and place a pillow between your legs.

Sitting, avoid soft and deep armchairs. To get up while sitting, sit on the edge of the chair (chair or car seat), and push on your legs.

For walking, wear comfortable and soft shoes with a wide and stable heel. Leave aside your heels more than 3 cm, they unbalance you and accentuate the camber of the back.

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