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Microkinesitherapy: the eraser of trauma

What a pity that this discipline is still so confidential: as discreet as effective, micro-kinesitherapy makes its merry way. Its followers are more and more numerous. Given its results, it is easy to understand.
Having had the opportunity to test it, it is with obvious pleasure that consoGlobe.com shares with you here the testimony of patients and practitioners.

How can microkinesitherapy help us?

Microkinesitherapy is based on a natural and elemental principle that helps the body to evacuate any past or present trauma kept in memory and preventing it from functioning properly.
We can compare the micro-physiotherapy with a woman or a housekeeper: its role is to allow the body to eliminate the grains of sand that came to stop the machine and thus create the pathology: disease, pain, the discomfort…
On a daily basis, our body fights against aggressions of all kinds and different intensities coming 
from the outside: microbes, toxins, physical or emotional shock, or
from inside: weakness of an organ, fatigue, existential problems ...
Most often, our organization "self-repairs" in silence. But some attacks are too strong or not recognized and the body can not react effectively. Aggression then leaves a "scar" in the tissues, a sort of memory of the event. The accumulation of these memories will make that one day will appear, a pain, an illness, a weakness ... and the body will not be able to fight anymore.
Microkinesitherapy helps to naturally eliminate those memories that weaken our body. Once released from its shackles, the body will be able to recover the capabilities it had lost, sometimes even for years.

How many sessions? By who ?

For a given symptom, 2 to 3 sessions are a maximum.
One session costs about 50 to 60 euros, a price naturally variable depending on the region.
A minimum of 6 weeks between 2 sessions is necessary to allow the body time to act. For an acute problem, this delay can be decreased.
The micro-physiotherapist is above all a health professional (masseur-physiotherapist) with a state diploma. The microkine is taught mainly to masseurs physiotherapists graduates of state.

This guarantees to be treated by health professionals with a perfect knowledge of the human body.

A 'psychoanalysis of the body': what problems does microkinesitherapy relieve?

Many diseases and pains are due to small dysfunctions that accumulate during our existence and eventually weaken the body.
Because this technique helps the body eliminate these "scars of the past," it can help improve many health conditions. It helps our body to clean up by evacuating both emotional and traumatic traces.
Maud, patient, tells us: "A year and a half ago specialists told me that I could not have children. I was distressed but not desperate. I turned to microkinesitherapy on the advice of a friend. One session and a month later I was pregnant ... This 'psychoanalysis of the body' is amazing. I come out of each session happy and satisfied.
Michèle confirms: "After months of muscle, joint and especially moral pain, forbidding me any physical activity to me who am a great sportswoman, the doctors diagnosed me a rheumatoid purpura, an orphan disease affecting the kidneys which, suddenly , work 'upside down'. Result: my body was completely intoxicated. "

"After 8 months of taking corticosteroids and a background treatment, I discovered microkinesitherapy. From the first session, I felt my body and especially my head lighten, as if they were unloaded weight that I dragged for years. How does the micro-therapist achieve this?"

"I do not know how it works. But after each session, I feel the positive results. I continue to consult regularly, for my various health concerns. I have resumed my sports activities, I lead a normal life and I advise microkinesitherapy to people who suffer. "

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