Transforming the appearance of one's navel
through surgery is increasingly required. A new cosmetic operation in vogue?
Everyone has their little complexes.
Moreover, if some people are embarrassed by their nose, their hips or their
arms, others make a fixette on ... their navel! And to modify this part of the
body, there is no other solution than to go through the box "plastic
surgery". This one has a very special name: umbilicoplasty. An
intervention more and more requested. According to Dr. David Shafer, a plastic
surgeon who spoke to Newsweek, this year there was a 12% increase in requests
for information about navel surgery.
While some patients want to turn their
belly button "out" into a "back" belly button, others see
umbilicoplasty as a post-event restorative surgery. Many are indeed those who
"wish to remake their belly button following a pregnancy, abdominal surgery,
or after a great loss of weight," said surgeon Melissa Doft Allure.