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Addicted to sugar, the 5 keys to wean you up urgently!

Erwann Menthéour, former sportsman, ultra recognized coach and founder of the Fitnext form and nutrition method, explains why refined sugar has become a real enemy to health. Then he guides you to teach you to eat less sweet, in short to detoxify you!

Do you have cravings, urges, sweet cravings, and would you like to control them better?
You're right, because you know that, sugar, the more you eat, the more you want. First, it's important to understand why you have these cravings. I give you some tips to remedy your sweet desires!
Be that as it may, it must be kept in mind that refined sugar is today the main cause of many illnesses related to our lifestyle. Diabetes, rising cholesterol, obesity, lowering of immune defenses, cancers ...
Sugar calls sugar
The first thing to know is that our body is not designed to eat refined sugars. When you eat a sweet food, you raise your blood glucose (= blood sugar) abnormally high.
If this rate rises too high, it becomes dangerous. Your body, this extremely advanced machine, will then produce a hormone called insulin, whose role is to lower this sugar level.
The more sweet you have eaten, the stronger the insulin dose, and the lower the blood sugar ... And the consequence of all this is what is called reactional hypoglycemia: a few hours after eating sweet, you will have a hit and a craving, compulsive cravings of sweet. So remember this sentence, which I repeat all the time to my coachees: the sugar calls the sugar!
Top 5 of my tips to decrease your sugar intake
As you can see, it is important to stay away from refined and processed products. Weaning will be a difficult journey that must be done in stages in order not to "explode" psychologically.

Here are my personal tips for getting rid of excess sugar consumption:

Gradually reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates (sodas, sweets, refined cereals).
Identify the right intake of complex carbohydrates and fiber (whole grains, legumes, fruits).

Make a detox (read my article about the monodiète, a detox of 3 days) which will help you enormously in the weaning.
If you really feel the need, prefer the consumption of a little sweet product at the end of the meal.
I am often asked what I think about sugar substitutes, including sweeteners. My advice is to move away as much as possible, especially aspartame, which despite the authorities' claims, is harmful to health.

Flee light products!
Some of my coachees complained that they could not lose or stabilize their weight. After a thorough study of their cases, I realized that these same people were big consumers of sweeteners and light products.
If these products do not contain or have very few calories, they send the same answers as the sugar to the body. They leave wide open the doors of the storage and maintain the addiction to the sweet taste.

Be sure to reduce them considerably and if not, choose natural sweeteners such as stevia or agave syrup.

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